Nola eta Non erosi MetaMUI ( MMUI ) – Gida zehatza

Zer da MMUI ?

<b> What is MetaMUI? </b> MetaMUI is a permissioned public blockchain network that many central banks, commercial banks, and other financial institutions can publish their CBDC(central bank digital currency)s. MetaMUI is also an identity-based meta-blockchain that uniquely solves the CBDC design trilemma of privacy, identity, and programmability. By decentralizing both identity and multi-ledger mechanisms, MetaMUI uniquely positions itself as an enabler of privacy-preserving CBDC that is fully compliant with financial regulations. MetaMUI is the first true peer-to-peer digital cash that can confirm the transaction without requiring either blockchain consensus or the mediation of a central server. With its true peer-to-peer nature of digital cash, MetaMUI can out-perform both centralized account-based digital payment and blockchain token-based digital payment. It can achieve more than 1 million transactions per second. MetaMUI is the first blockchain that solves the serialized operational structure of the blockchain consensus process. MetaMUI can process transactions in parallel, independently. With this decentralized operation capability, MetaMUI can achieve virtually unlimited scalability simply by adding more and more nodes to the network. It is one of the technological candidates to implement the World Reserve Currency that can serve the entire humanity. In short, MetaMUI is a mainnet coin that fuels the MetaMUI network and supports the MetaMUI blockchain development. It is a future value-backed coin. It is designed as a deflationary coin that accumulates and continuously increases the backup assets of MetaMUI from the project incomes of MetaMUI Network. Project income sources of MetaMUI Network are CBDC publication license and usages fees, NFT(Non-Fungible Token) and NFT contents publication fees, Tokenized Asset publication and trading fees, SSID(Self Sovereign Identity) related Verifiable Credential publication and verification fees, and more.

<b> Who are the Founders of MetaMUI? </b> MetaMUI Blockchain was jointly developed by SovereignWallet Network and the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering. The founders of the MetaMUI project are Phantom Seokgu Yun and Frances Kim, PhD. both are from USC. From the USC, Prof. Bhaskar Krishnamachari and Prof. B. Clifford Neuman joined as research advisors.

Phantom Seokgu Yun studied computer science under the supervision of Prof. Neuman, the inventor of NetCheque and NetCash protocol, a pioneering digital cash research project. NetCash project had received DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Promotion Agency) fund from the Department of Defense of USA.

As a top security expert in Korea, Phantom architected a key security software during the G20 Summit in Korea in 2010. The previous company that he founded provided security software to eBay Korea, KaKao, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Life Insurances, SK Telecom, LG Telecom, KOSCOM, Yahoo Japan, Rakuten, and other government, intelligence, and military organizations. Phantom is an expert in Distributed Operating System, Digital Money, Machine Learning, and Computer Architecture.

Phantom is a digital currency expert in Digital Euro Association. He has written various articles in Cointelegraph and appeared in many media outlets and crypto conferences as the main speaker. He also published numerous research papers on leading crypto conferences. He holds dozens of patents related to identity-based blockchain, meta-blockchain, inter-blockchain atomic swap, etc.

Dr. Frances Kim is a leading behavioral economist. Her research interest includes tokenized security, digital economy, asset tokenization, including NFT(Non-Fungible Token)s. She has worked with various corporations in Korea and the US as a consultant.

<b> What makes MetaMUI unique? </b> MetaMUI is the 4th generation blockchain and hybrid blockchains that solves the design trilemma of CBDC and the blockchain itself. MetaMUI completely redesigned the blockchain from the concept of identity. By adopting decentralized identity technology called self-sovereign identity and marrying with blockchain token technology, MetaMUI uniquely positioned itself as a fusion technology that can serve both the crypto and traditional financial communities. The followings are MetaMUI’s unique value propositions.

  1. Identity-based ownership – To achieve anonymity, current cryptocurrency binds the ownership of the asset to the private key that is generated and managed by the user. For this reason, cryptocurrency becomes easily hackable, and even with a simple mistake from the user such as forgetting the corresponding mnemonic words or the backup copy of the private key, entire crypto assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum can be completely lost or stolen. MetaMUI solved this critical problem. MetaMUI binds the ownership of the asset to the identity of the user, not to the private key. Therefore, in case of a lost or stolen private key, MetaMUI can reset the private key with a new key after the proper identity verification. Since SSID (Self-Sovereign Identity) is a decentralized identity system and the user’s private information is never stored on the blockchain, it is much more secure in terms of both privacy protection and identity verification.

  2. True Peer to Peer Digital Cash with more than 1 million transactions per second performance - Even though Satoshi Nakamoto claimed that he invented peer-to-peer electronic cash, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not peer-to-peer cash. Cryptocurrency requires a consensus protocol. This means a kind of agreement from the nodes in the network is required to complete the transaction. Bitcoin didn’t eliminate the middle man. Instead, it created numerous middle man in between the two transacting peers. Bitcoin is not peer-to-peer since two peers can not complete the transaction with the agreement from the nodes in the Bitcoin network. MetaMUI is the inventor of the True Peer to Peer Digital Cash. MetaMUI’s digital cash can transfer the value between peers without requiring consensus or mediation of a centralized system. Since transactions can be confirmed between peers, MetaMUI is the fastest payment system with more than 1 million transactions per second.

  3. Offline Payment – Because of consensus protocol, cryptocurrency and other blockchain-based digital currency assume the Internet connection is available to process the payment. Therefore it was not possible to implement offline payment with blockchain technology. MetaMUI is a revolutionary blockchain technology that has achieved offline payment. With the true peer-to-peer payment structure of MetaMUI, two transacting peers can process payment through the near-field communication capability of smartphones without requiring an Internet connection.

  4. Unlimited Scalability - Blockchain is structurally decentralized but it has serialized and centralized operations. Entire nodes of the blockchain form a virtual single computer and process the transaction one by one. Because of this, it is very difficult to design a high-performance payment system with blockchain technology. MetaMUI breaks this limitation by implementing a parallel and independent transaction processing structure. Since each Bank Node (MetaMUI’s blockchain node) can process the transaction in parallel and independently, by simply adding more and more nodes, MetaMUI can process an unlimited number of transactions per second. With MetaMUI, you can devise a digital cash system that can be used by millions of IoT(Internet of Things) devices in the future.

  5. Meta-Blockchain with multi-ledger structure – Many early generation blockchain such as Ethereum uses single ledger to hold all tokens generated on the blockchain. MetaMUI comes with multi-ledger architecture. Each token generated by the Central Bank Node of MetaMUI will have a dedicated separate ledger to the only record that specific token-related transactions. Also on MetaMUI, you can generate tokens and digital currencies without requiring any kind of smart contract programming. You can just use the proven built-in libraries to generate new digital currencies and tokenized securities by simply setting the parameter. Also, the Central Bank Node that generated specific digital currency has full control over that digital currency.

  6. Verifiable Credentials – On MetaMUI Network, central banks, commercial banks, and other financial institutes can create public DID(Digital Identity) and issue VC(Verifiable Credentials)s. VCs are digital certificates signed by the central bank or other financial institutes. VC’s digital signature can be verified by the decentralized public key infrastructure (Blockchain PKI) inside the Identity Blockchain of MetaMUI. This VC structure uniquely solved the so-called Oracle Problem, providing cryptographically provable real-world data to MetaMUI Network.

  7. Pairwise Trust - MetaMUI is a pioneering implementor of Pairwise Trust of the Self-Sovereign Identity. As a working permissioned public SSID Network, MetaMUI has uniquely positioned itself as a trustworthy single-sign-on system for the entire digital world. Unlike federated authentication systems such as Facebook login or Google login, MetaMUI’s pairwise trust lets the user manage their private information by themselves, therefore there’s an extremely low possibility of massive private information leakage or abuse. Also in the current authentication system, only the user verifies himself or herself to the system. However, in pairwise trust, both user and the system cryptographically verifies identity to each other. This eliminates the need for users to remember the complex user IDs and password combinations for multiple sites. With a single SSID of MetaMUI, you can securely and conveniently login to multiple systems without requiring a password.

  8. Mobile Full Node - MetaMUI is one of the first blockchain projects to implement a full blockchain node on a mobile device. This creates the possibility of turning every user into blockchain node operators. This is a true decentralization of the blockchain in terms of token economics. Users can earn by just running the MetaMUI node on their smartphone and receive token incentives.

  9. Future value-backed coin – MetaMUI is one of the first implementations of the concept of the future value-backed coin. From the startup, MetaMUI designed various profit structures of MetaMUI Network. Many real-world financial institutes will publish CBDC, hybrid CBDC, synthetic CBDC, stable coin, tokenized securities, NFTs, etc and they will pay the license fees and operation fees to MetaMUI Network. This will become the backup asset to sustain the value of MetaMUI for years to come.

MMUI lehen aldiz 11th Aug, 2021 negoziatu zen. Guztira ezezaguna hornidura du. Momentuz, MMUI k ${{marketCap} } USD-ko merkatu-kapitalizazioa du.MMUI -ren egungo prezioa ${{price} } da eta {{rank}} postuan dago Coinmarketcap-eneta duela gutxi ehuneko 23.93 igo da idazteko unean.

MMUI kripto-truke batzuetan zerrendatu da, beste kriptografia-moneta nagusietan ez bezala, ezin da zuzenean erosi fiats diruarekin. Hala ere, oraindik ere erraz eros dezakezu txanpon hau lehenik USDT erosiz edozein fiat-to-crypto trukeetatik eta gero txanpon hau negoziatzeko eskaintzen duen trukera transferitu, gida-artikulu honetan MMUI erosteko urratsak zehatz-mehatz emango dizkizugu. .

1. urratsa: Erregistratu Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange-n

Lehenik eta behin kripto-moneta nagusietako bat erosi beharko duzu, kasu honetan, USDT ( USDT ). Artikulu honetan, gehien erabiltzen diren fiat-to-crypto trukeetako bi, eta Coinbase, xehetasunez emango dizugu. Bi trukeek beren kuoten politikak eta xehetasunez aztertuko ditugun beste ezaugarri batzuk dituzte. Gomendagarria da biak probatzea eta gehien komeni zaizuna irudikatzea.


AEBetako merkatarientzat egokia

Hautatu Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange xehetasunetarako:


Fiat-to-crypto truke ezagun eta erosoenetako bat izanik, UpHold abantaila hauek ditu:

  • Erraz erosteko eta negoziatzeko hainbat aktiboren artean, 50 baino gehiago eta oraindik gehitzen ari diren
  • Gaur egun, 7 milioi erabiltzaile baino gehiago mundu osoan
  • UpHold Debit txartela eska dezakezu eta bertan kripto-aktiboak zure kontuan gastatu ditzakezu zordunketa-txartel arrunt bat bezala! (AEB bakarrik baina geroago Erresuma Batuan egongo da)
  • Mugikorretarako aplikazio erraza erabiltzeko, funtsak banku batera edo beste edozein altcoin truke erraz atera ditzakezun
  • Ezkutuko kuotarik eta kontuko beste kuotarik ez
  • Erabiltzaile aurreratuagoentzako erosketa/saltzeko agindu mugatuak daude
  • Dolar kostuen batez bestekorako (DCA) gordailu errepikakorrak erraz konfigura ditzakezu kriptoak epe luzera eduki nahi badituzu.
  • USDT, hau da, USD-en babestutako txanpon egonkor ezagunenetako bat (funtsean benetako diru fidagarriarekin babesten duen kriptografia bat, beraz, ez hain lurrunkorra izan daiteke eta ia lotuta dagoen diru fiat gisa tratatu daiteke) eskuragarri dago, hau erosoagoa bada. Erosi nahi duzun altcoin-ak USDT merkataritza-bikoteak baino ez ditu altcoin-en trukean, beraz, altcoin-a erosten duzun bitartean beste moneta-bihurketa bat egin beharrik ez duzu.
Erakutsi Xehetasunak Urratsak ▾

Idatzi zure posta elektronikoa eta egin klik 'Hurrengoa'. Ziurtatu zure benetako izena ematen duzula UpHold-ek kontua eta identitatea egiaztatzeko beharko baitu. Aukeratu pasahitz sendo bat zure kontua hackerrentzako kaltegarria izan ez dadin.


Berrespen-mezu bat jasoko duzu. Ireki eta egin klik barruko estekan. Ondoren, baliozko telefono-zenbaki bat eman beharko duzu bi faktoreko autentifikazioa (2FA) konfiguratzeko, zure kontuaren segurtasunerako geruza gehigarria da eta funtzio hau aktibatuta mantentzea gomendatzen da.


Jarraitu hurrengo urratsa zure identitate-egiaztapena amaitzeko. Urrats hauek ikaragarriak dira, batez ere aktibo bat erosteko zain zaudenean, baina beste edozein finantza-erakunde bezala, UpHold araututa dago AEB, Erresuma Batua eta EB bezalako herrialde gehienetan. Hau konpentsazio gisa har dezakezu zure lehen kripto erosketa egiteko plataforma fidagarri bat erabiltzeko. Berri ona da Know-Your-Customers (KYC) deritzon prozesu osoa orain guztiz automatizatuta dagoela eta ez duela 15 minutu baino gehiago behar izan behar amaitzeko.

2. urratsa: USDT erosi fiat diruarekin


KYC prozesua amaitutakoan. Ordainketa-metodo bat gehitzeko eskatuko zaizu. Hemen kreditu-/zordunketa-txartel bat ematea edo banku-transferentzia bat erabiltzea aukeratu dezakezu. Baliteke kuota handiagoak kobratzea zure kreditu-txartelaren konpainiaren eta txartelak erabiltzean prezio aldakorren arabera, baina berehalako erosketa bat ere egingo duzu. Banku transferentzia merkeagoa baina motelagoa izango den arren, zure bizilekuaren herrialdearen arabera, herrialde batzuek berehalako diru-gordailua eskainiko dute kuota baxuekin.


Orain dena prest zaude, 'Transaktu' pantailan 'Notik' eremuaren azpian, hautatu zure fiat moneta, eta, ondoren, 'To' eremuan aukeratu USDT , egin klik aurrebista zure transakzioa berrikusteko eta egin klik berretsi dena ondo ikusten baduzu. .. eta zorionak! Zure lehen kripto erosketa egin berri duzu.

3. urratsa: Transferitu USDT Altcoin Exchange batera

Baina oraindik ez dugu amaitu, MMUI altcoin bat denez gure USDT transferitu behar dugu MMUI negozia daitekeen truke batera. Jarraian, MMUI merkatu-pare ezberdinetan negoziatzeko, beren webguneetara jo eta kontu bat erregistratzeko eskaintzen duten trukeen zerrenda dago.

Amaitutakoan, Eutsi trukean USDT sartu beharko duzu. Gordailua baieztatu ondoren, MMUI eros ditzakezu truke ikuspegitik.

Market Pair

Azken urratsa: gorde MMUI modu seguruan hardware-zorroetan

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Zenbaitek esan dezaketen bezala ("hodl" , denboran zehar ezaguna egiten den "hold" gaizki idatzita) zure MMUI denbora luzez mantentzeko asmoa baduzu, seguru mantentzeko moduak aztertu nahi dituzu, Binance horietako bat den arren. kriptografia-moneta truke seguruena hackeatzea gertatu zen eta funtsak galdu ziren. Trukeetan zorroen izaera bera dela eta, beti sarean egongo dira ("Hot Wallets" deitzen diegu), beraz, ahultasunen zenbait alderdi agerian utziz. Orain arte zure txanponak gordetzeko modurik seguruena beti "zorro hotzak" mota batean sartzea da, non diru-zorroak bloke-katerako sarbidea izango duen soilik (edo besterik gabe "konektatu") funtsak bidaltzen dituzunean, aukerak murriztuz. hacking gertakariak. Paperezko zorro bat doako zorro hotz mota bat da, funtsean lineaz kanpo sortutako helbide publiko eta pribatu bikote bat da eta nonbait idatzita izango duzu eta gorde ezazu seguru. Hala ere, ez da iraunkorra eta hainbat arrisku jasaten ditu.

Hardware-zorroa hemen zorro hotzaren aukera hobea da, zalantzarik gabe. Normalean USB gaitutako gailuak dira, zure zorroaren gako informazioa modu iraunkorragoan gordetzen dutenak. Maila militarreko segurtasunarekin eraiki dira eta bere firmwarea etengabe mantentzen dute fabrikatzaileek eta, beraz, oso segurua. Ledger Nano S eta Ledger Nano X dira eta kategoria honetako aukerarik ezagunenak dira, zorro hauek $ 50 eta $ 100 inguru balio dute eskaintzen ari diren funtzioen arabera. Zure aktiboak gordetzen badituzu zorro hauek inbertsio ona dira gure ustez.

Galdera arruntak

MMUI erosi al dezaket eskudiruarekin?

Ez dago MMUI eskudiruarekin erosteko modu zuzenik. Hala ere, LocalBitcoins bezalako merkatuak erabil ditzakezu lehenengo erosketa USDT , eta amaitu gainerako urratsak zure USDT AltCoin trukeetara transferituz.

LocalBitcoins peer-to-peer Bitcoin trukea da. Erabiltzaileek Bitcoins erosi eta saldu ditzaketen merkatu bat da. Erabiltzaileek, merkatariek, iragarkiak sortzen dituzte eskaini nahi duten prezioarekin eta ordainketa moduarekin. Plataforman inguruko eskualde jakin bateko saltzaileei erostea aukera dezakezu. , azken finean, leku ona da Bitcoins erostera joateko nahi dituzun ordainketa-metodoak beste inon aurkitzen ez dituzunean. Baina prezioak altuagoak izan ohi dira plataforma honetan eta zure behar den ardura egin behar duzu iruzurrik ez izateko.

Ba al dago MMUI erosteko modu azkarrik Europan?

Bai, izan ere, Europa oro har kriptoak erosteko lekurik errazenetako bat da. Lineako bankuak ere badaude, kontu bat ireki eta dirua transferitu dezakezunak, hala nola Coinbase eta Uphold bezalako trukeetara.

Ba al dago kreditu-txartelekin MMUI edo Bitcoin erosteko plataforma alternatiborik?

Bai. Bitcoin kreditu-txartelekin erosteko plataforma oso erraza da. Berehalako kriptografia-moneta trukea da, kriptoa azkar trukatzeko eta banku-txartel batekin erosteko aukera ematen duena. Bere erabiltzailearen interfazea oso erraza da erabiltzeko eta erosteko urratsak nahiko argiak dira.

Irakurri gehiago MetaMUI -ren oinarriei eta egungo prezioari buruz hemen.